Make a video about Nouns and win $50,000!


You have until April 30th to make a video and get at least 2,000 organic views on YouTube. There will be 4 winners and each one will win 50 thousand dollars.

Make a video explaining what Nouns are and inviting people to join Nouniverse

Upload your video to YouTube with the hashtag #EnterTheNouniverse

Make the most of it! You need at least 2000 organic views to participate



have more than 2000 organic views before 4/30/2023


include the hashtag #EnterTheNouniverse in the video description

explain Nouns DAO and/or invite the audience to join the Nouniverse


be positive, family-friendly and original


it has to be a video, can’t be a Youtube Shorts

10 videos will be selected for the voting stage, which will be carried out by members of the Nouns DAO community

* your video must not have been previously funded by Nouns DAO.

8 videos with the most views​

2 videos chosen by contest committee

The creators of the 4 most voted videos by the community will receive a prize of 50,000 dollars each!​

*the contest committee will contact selected entrants after the submission deadline to request additional information and proof that the views are organic.

You are totally free to create whatever you want in any format. It could be animation, skit, interview, music video or something completely different. Your video just needs to explain what the Nouns are and/or invite people to enter the Nouniverse.

Remember that the 10 selected videos will go through a vote, so the technical quality and content of your video are as important as the number of views combined?

If you are selected for the final step, you can add information that proves the impact of your video, such as traffic metrics or engagement on other platforms.

If you’re wondering how you’re going to explain what Nouns are if you don’t even know it, don’t worry, the Nouns Center will help you! There you will find everything you need, including the assets for your video.
Play Video

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch on Discord! You can enter the contest server and also join The Noun Square.